5 Hacks to Make Yard Work Easy

5 Hacks to Make Yard Work Easy

A healthy lawn is a curbside attraction. Yet to achieve lawn nirvana it’s vital to avoid common lawn issues such as poor grass growth, weeds or crabgrass, dog urine, and pests like moles or grubs. A healthy lawn is not only beautiful to look at, but it also functions as a natural filter, helping to prevent pollutants from entering your waterways. By following a few tips, you can help keep your lawn healthy:

1. Mow high regularly
Mowing high means cutting the grass at a taller height than normal. Such a technique helps promote a healthy lawn by keeping the grass blades longer and discouraging weed growth. Mowing high also helps to protect the soil from erosion. Taller grass blades have a better chance of surviving a drought and provide more shade for the soil, which helps to keep it moist. Mowing regularly also keeps the grass blades short, which helps the lawn to hold moisture and nutrients.

2. Fertilize and mulch frequently
Frequent fertilizing and mulching can help maintain a lush landscape that looks beautiful year-round because it provides the plants with the nutrients they need to grow, and it helps keep the soil moist. When plants can obtain the necessary nutrients, it makes it easier to grow and resist pests and diseases. Additionally, mulching can help to suppress weed growth. However, if this method does not help keep weeds and pests at bay, consider other alternatives such as lawn spraying. By keeping the weeds down, you will not have to spend as much time weeding your garden.

3. Water early
Plants need water to thrive, and if they don’t get enough, they will start to wilt and die. Timely watering of your yard can help the water reach the roots of the plants, which comes in handy to help the plants get a good start for the growing season. Timely watering of your yard can also help the soil stay moist and loose, which will make it easier for you to do lawn maintenance tasks. Additionally, by watering your yard early, you can avoid the need to water your yard often, saving you time and money.

4. Aerate your lawn
Aerating a lawn is the process of poking small holes in the ground to allow water and air to reach the plant’s roots. Aerating your lawn can help the lawn grow thicker and healthier. It also helps to alleviate drainage problems by allowing water and air to penetrate the soil more easily, which comes in handy to help the lawn tolerate drought conditions. Aerating your lawn can be done using a fork, a spike aerator, or a plug aerator.

5. Consider hiring a professional
Hiring a professional lawn service is of the essence for various reasons. Perhaps you don’t have the time to take care of the lawn, or you don’t have the knowledge or equipment necessary to do a good job. Whatever the reason, hiring a professional lawn service can be a great way to make the yard work easier.

By taking care of your lawn, you can help make your home a more pleasant place to live and recreate. The above are some premium tips that can help make yard work easier for you and help maintain a stunning, lush yard.