Treatment Options to Manage Asthma

Treatment Options to Manage Asthma

Asthma occurs when the airways get constricted due to allergies or other reasons, causing difficulties in breathing. Asthma is today easily manageable thanks to the multiple options for treatment. The article explains the different treatment options for asthma.

Use of Inhalers
One of the effective treatment options for asthma is the use of an inhaler for immediate relief. When the symptoms of asthma set in suddenly, it causes wheezing, coughing, and breathing problems. An inhaler is a device that is used to breathe in medication that directly reaches the airways and the lung.

These medications may be beta-agonists, corticosteroids, or anticholinergic. The medication when inhaled causes the airways to relax, allowing for easy breathing. This is a quick and effective treatment that is helpful for those who have severe symptoms or for those who experience asthma attacks suddenly.

Those who have problems using inhalers are treated through nebulizers. This is a piece of equipment where liquid medicine is added to the device. The liquid is converted into vapor, which is inhaled through a mouthpiece or mask. This is more comfortable for the patient.

While inhalers provide temporary relief, it is better to treat asthma from a long-term perspective. This includes the use of medicines that have a preventive effect. Some of the medication used include:

  • Corticosteroids: For chronic cases of asthma, corticosteroids are prescribed to be taken orally or through inhalation. These medicines prevent swelling and reduce mucus in the lungs.
  • Bronchodilators: These are medicines that dilate the airways allowing the patient to breathe easily. It may be prescribed in delayed-release mode to avoid exacerbation of symptoms.
  • Leukotriene modifiers: These medicines relax the muscles surrounding the airways. This helps in improving symptoms.
  • Biologics: These medications are expensive but work for a longer period of time and can be given as injections.
  • Anti-allergic medication: Many people suffer from asthma because of allergies to pollen, dust, smoke, or some other substance. Anti-allergic medication helps to control allergies and thus prevent asthma attacks.

Lifestyle Changes
One of the highly effective ways of treating asthma is through lifestyle changes. This involves one or more of the following:

  • Identifying allergens that trigger an asthma attack and preventing exposure to the allergen is an important way of managing asthma.
  • Obese and overweight people have the problem of a large belly that presses on the lungs worsening the symptoms. Weight loss can help in reducing symptoms of asthma.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited for those who have asthma.
  • Breathing exercises can help strengthen the lungs. This can be very helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma.
  • Exercise can worsen symptoms of asthma in some people. However, preventive medication can be taken before exercise. Being fit helps to strengthen immunity and the lungs and is highly beneficial for asthmatics.

The treatment options for asthma presented in this article have helped many patients manage their asthma symptoms effectively. One should always discuss with their doctor which of these options would be helpful to tackle asthma.