Foods to Avoid while Managing Depression

Foods to Avoid while Managing Depression

Many health conditions develop due to bad dietary and lifestyle choices. While pizzas and other greasy food might not lead to dangerous conditions in terms of mental health, they are capable of bringing about a low for people with depression. Some foods show a positive impact on the mind, while others affect mental health adversely. Certain foods are best avoided by people with depression to manage the condition better. Read on to know some of the foods to avoid for dealing with depression:

Processed foods
A study on about 3,000 people revealed that those who consumed processed foods the most faced a higher risk of being affected by depression as compared to people who included more whole foods in their diet. Processed foods like pasta, bread, snack foods, and cereals are capable of causing a spike in the blood sugar levels, just like a jar full of jelly beans. As a result of the increase in glucose levels, insulin is released in the body, leading to irritation, feeling low, and excessive fatigue. So, processed foods are best avoided for people with depression.

Foods with high sodium content
A lot of people prefer fat-free food products to prevent weight gain. While these foods may be effective in keeping weight gain at bay, they have high sodium content and can cause other problems. Several studies have shown that excess sodium in fat-free food products can result in the disruption of the neurological system, leading to depression and fatigue. It is also capable of disturbing the immune system response. Plus, excess sodium in food products can lead to fluid retention and bloating.

Foods with refined sugar
Chocolates and almost all other store-bought snacks comprise refined sugar. While these foods are capable of elevating the mood temporarily, they lead to an increase in the blood glucose levels that result in a sugar hangover. This is capable of causing mood swings, leading to low energy levels, and can also result in sleeping disorders.

Food products with trans fats
Foods that use high quantities of hydrogenated oils are among the most important foods to avoid for managing depression. This would include French fries, fried chicken, fried cheese sticks, fried calamari, or anything else that’s fried. Trans fats are vicious in many ways. They can clog the arteries and result in heart disorders due to poor blood circulation, and they can also add to the risk of depression, along with worsening the condition if a person already has it. A study was constructed to understand the relationship between fatty acid intake and depression in a Mediterranean population. This study brought out a detrimental link between the intake of trans fats and the risk of being affected by depression. It is advisable to include healthy food substances and whole foods in the diet.